Brief History of Probus.
The Probus Movement was established by Rotary Clubs and was formed in 1966 in Caterham. It is an acronym for Pro (fessional) and Bus (iness). Today there are over 3,000,000 members in over 4,000 Probus Clubs worldwide. In the United Kingdom there are about 1,000,000 members. Ladies Probus Club in Menorca was founded in 2002 with an original membership of nine. We still have five of the original members. The club has grown over the years, keeping to a maximum of 50 members.
Our Aims and Objectives.
To promote friendship and social contact amongst retired and partially retired business and professional English speaking ladies by meeting on a regular basis and engaging in other activities and functions of interest to the members.
About our club.
- We meet the second Thursday of each month. 1:00pm for 1:30pm.
- We operate a card system for seating at lunch, this enables everyone to have the opportunity to sit with different members or guests during lunch and network. Luncheon venues and speakers are listed below.
- Attendance for Lunch must be booked no later than the Tuesday before the lunch. Please phone Jan Hodgson on 971 35 95 03/600 69 21 51 to book - and also phone if you need to cancel a booking.
- Raffle tickets are sold at each luncheon with fabulous prizes. The cost of tickets not only pays for the prizes but enables us to give occasional free raffles and make contributions to local charities.
- We have a monthly speaker who is varied and interesting, please see our programme below.
- You may invite a guest to lunch, no guests are invited to the AGM
or Christmas Lunch. Any other exceptions will be notified.
Dates, Venues and Speakers.
8th September |
Comedy Time. Venue : Scandals |
14th July |
The World of the Chocolatier. Venue : Scandals |
11th August |
Windsor Castle. Venue : El Picadero |
13th October |
R and R Menorca. Venue : Scandals |
10th November |
History of Menorca. Venue : El Picadero |
8th December |
Christmas Lunch - members only. Venue : Scandals |
If you are a Probus member on holiday and would like to join us for lunch.
Telephone 971 35 95 03 or 600 69 21 51.
For any other information on the club e-mail the secretary
[email protected] Please enjoy our club and most of all enjoy the social time out.
Carol Smith
Secretary Ladies Probus Club Menorca.